Daily Warm Ups Reading Grade 7 Answer Key+pdf

Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Correlations

Daily Warm-Ups: Reading Grade 7

Daily Warm-Ups: Reading Form 7

English language Language Arts

Strand - Reading Standards: Literature, Class 7

Fundamental Ideas and Details

ELA.RL.7.1: Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences fatigued from the text.

Passage Folio
Bearskin 89
Puss in Boots 90
Felicia and the Carnations 91
The Firebird 92
Prince Ricky 93
The Sometime Adult female and the Doctor 94
Mercury and the Woodman 95
The Bear and the Travelers 96
The Stag at the Puddle 97
2 Fables 98
Samar and the Tigers 99
The Turtle and the Lizard 100
The Perfect Princess 101
The Lynx and the Hare: A Chippewa Legend 102
The Miserly Farmer 103
Storms of Life 104
Held for Ransom 105
Friend or Foe 106
Relieve, Anyone? 107
Space Wars 108
Bound from the Heaven 109
Maria Isabella Boyd 110
The Raft 111
The Midnight Ride 112
Bombs Away 113
Texas Quilts 114
Good day at Independence, Missouri 115
Penicillium 116
Kit 117
Labor for Grain 118
Golf for Everyone 119
Meeting of Two Worlds 120
Change of Plans 121
Climb a Mountain 122
Friendly Ferns 123
Fast Pitch 124
Rescue Companion 125
Perfect Planets 126
Restart 127
Tunnel Bout 128
Mountains and Mushrooms 129
Runaway 130
Morning time Meal 131
Kite Competition 132
Runner-Upward 133
A New Linguistic communication 134
Return of the Aunts 135
From the Depths 136
Dark-green Goo 137
Gamble Hike 138
Security Guards 139
Island of Mystery 140
Reaching for the Heights 141
Surf's Up! 142
Stranded! 143
The Case of the Missing Reed 144
The Kraken 145
Hummock Trail 146
Dinner Biscuits 147
Go-Cart Adventure 148
State Off-white 149
The Walking Dead? 150
A Deal with a Gremlin 151
Northern Night 152
Riches to Rags 153
The Storytellers 154
Tick Tock 155
The Figurine 156
A Twist of Fate 157
The Gift of Sight 158
The Statue 159
The Cheshire Cat 160
Thoughts From a Muse 161
The Fourth dimension Car 162
Dragon Games 163
Monster Army camp 164
Shadows 165
The Electric Impact 166

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RL.7.3: Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama collaborate (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot).

Passage Folio
Bearskin 89
Puss in Boots 90
Felicia and the Carnations 91
The Erstwhile Woman and the Doctor 94
The Deport and the Travelers 96
The Stag at the Pool 97
Two Fables 98
The Turtle and the Lizard 100
The Perfect Princess 101
The Miserly Farmer 103
Storms of Life 104
Held for Bribe 105
Save, Anyone? 107
Space Wars 108
The Midnight Ride 112
Bombs Away 113
Penicillium 116
Meeting of 2 Worlds 120
Alter of Plans 121
Climb a Mount 122
Rescue Companion 125
Perfect Planets 126
Restart 127
Tunnel Tour 128
Runaway 130
Kite Competition 132
A New Language 134
Return of the Aunts 135
From the Depths 136
Green Goo 137
Adventure Hike 138
Reaching for the Heights 141
Stranded! 143
The Kraken 145
State Fair 149
A Bargain with a Gremlin 151
Northern Dark 152
The Storytellers 154
The Cheshire Cat 160
The Time Car 162
Dragon Games 163
Monster Camp 164
Shadows 165
The Electric Touch 166

Fundamental Ideas and Details

ELA.RL.7.2: Determine a theme or key idea of a text and analyze its development over the class of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.

Passage Folio
Bearskin 89
Puss in Boots 90
The Firebird 92
Prince Ricky 93
The Erstwhile Woman and the Doctor 94
Mercury and the Woodman 95
The Bear and the Travelers 96
The Stag at the Puddle 97
2 Fables 98
Samar and the Tigers 99
The Lynx and the Hare: A Chippewa Fable 102
The Miserly Farmer 103
Storms of Life 104
Held for Ransom 105
Salvage, Anyone? 107
Space Wars 108
Spring from the Sky 109
Maria Isabella Boyd 110
The Raft 111
Texas Quilts 114
Farewell at Independence, Missouri 115
Penicillium 116
Kit 117
Labor for Grain 118
Golf for Everyone 119
Meeting of Two Worlds 120
Climb a Mountain 122
Friendly Ferns 123
Fast Pitch 124
Perfect Planets 126
Tunnel Tour 128
Mountains and Mushrooms 129
Kite Competition 132
Runner-Up 133
A New Language 134
Render of the Aunts 135
Adventure Hike 138
Security Guards 139
Island of Mystery 140
Surf's Up! 142
Stranded! 143
Hummock Trail 146
Get-Cart Adventure 148
The Walking Dead? 150
The Figurine 156
The Statue 159
Dragon Games 163
Monster Army camp 164
The Electrical Touch 166

Craft and Structure

ELA.RL.seven.6: Clarify how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters or narrators in a text.

Passage Page
Bearskin 89
Felicia and the Carnations 91
Prince Ricky 93
Mercury and the Woodman 95
2 Fables 98
The Turtle and the Cadger 100
The Perfect Princess 101
The Miserly Farmer 103
Storms of Life 104
Friend or Foe 106
Space Wars 108
The Raft 111
Kit 117
Meeting of 2 Worlds 120
Friendly Ferns 123
Fast Pitch 124
Restart 127
Mountains and Mushrooms 129
Security Guards 139
The Storytellers 154
Tick Tock 155

Arts and crafts and Structure

ELA.RL.vii.4: Decide the pregnant of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; clarify the impact of rhymes and other repetitions of sounds (due east.g., alliteration) on a specific poetry or stanza of a poem or section of a story or drama.

Passage Page
Bearskin 89
Puss in Boots ninety
Felicia and the Carnations 91
The Firebird 92
Prince Ricky 93
The Old Adult female and the Doctor 94
Mercury and the Woodman 95
The Bear and the Travelers 96
The Stag at the Puddle 97
Two Fables 98
Samar and the Tigers 99
The Turtle and the Lizard 100
The Perfect Princess 101
The Lynx and the Hare: A Chippewa Fable 102
The Miserly Farmer 103
Storms of Life 104
Held for Ransom 105
Friend or Foe 106
Salvage, Anyone? 107
Space Wars 108
Jump from the Sky 109
Maria Isabella Boyd 110
The Raft 111
The Midnight Ride 112
Bombs Away 113
Texas Quilts 114
Good day at Independence, Missouri 115
Penicillium 116
Kit 117
Labor for Grain 118
Golf for Anybody 119
Coming together of Two Worlds 120
Alter of Plans 121
Climb a Mountain 122
Friendly Ferns 123
Fast Pitch 124
Rescue Companion 125
Perfect Planets 126
Restart 127
Tunnel Tour 128
Mountains and Mushrooms 129
Delinquent 130
Morning Meal 131
Kite Competition 132
Runner-Up 133
A New Language 134
Render of the Aunts 135
From the Depths 136
Green Goo 137
Hazard Hike 138
Security Guards 139
Island of Mystery 140
Reaching for the Heights 141
Surf'south Up! 142
Stranded! 143
The Instance of the Missing Reed 144
The Kraken 145
Hummock Trail 146
Dinner Biscuits 147
Get-Cart Adventure 148
State Fair 149
The Walking Expressionless? 150
A Bargain with a Gremlin 151
Northern Nighttime 152
Riches to Rags 153
The Storytellers 154
Tick Tock 155
The Figurine 156
A Twist of Fate 157
The Gift of Sight 158
The Statue 159
The Cheshire Cat 160
Thoughts From a Muse 161
The Time Motorcar 162
Dragon Games 163
Monster Army camp 164
Shadows 165
The Electric Touch on 166

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.RL.7.9: Compare and dissimilarity a fictional portrayal of a time, place, or character and a historical account of the aforementioned period as a means of understanding how authors of fiction employ or alter history.

Passage Page
Storms of Life 104
Space Wars 108
The Raft 111
The Midnight Ride 112

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

ELA.RL.7.x: By the cease of the twelvemonth, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high stop of the range.

Passage Page
Bearskin 89
Puss in Boots 90
Felicia and the Carnations 91
The Firebird 92
Prince Ricky 93
The Old Woman and the Md 94
Mercury and the Woodman 95
The Bear and the Travelers 96
The Stag at the Pool 97
Ii Fables 98
Samar and the Tigers 99
The Turtle and the Lizard 100
The Perfect Princess 101
The Lynx and the Hare: A Chippewa Fable 102
The Miserly Farmer 103
Storms of Life 104
Held for Ransom 105
Friend or Foe 106
Salvage, Anyone? 107
Infinite Wars 108
Leap from the Sky 109
Maria Isabella Boyd 110
The Raft 111
The Midnight Ride 112
Bombs Away 113
Texas Quilts 114
Farewell at Independence, Missouri 115
Penicillium 116
Kit 117
Labor for Grain 118
Golf game for Anybody 119
Meeting of Two Worlds 120
Change of Plans 121
Climb a Mountain 122
Friendly Ferns 123
Fast Pitch 124
Rescue Companion 125
Perfect Planets 126
Restart 127
Tunnel Bout 128
Mountains and Mushrooms 129
Delinquent 130
Morning Meal 131
Kite Competition 132
Runner-Up 133
A New Linguistic communication 134
Render of the Aunts 135
From the Depths 136
Green Goo 137
Adventure Hike 138
Security Guards 139
Island of Mystery 140
Reaching for the Heights 141
Surf'due south Up! 142
Stranded! 143
The Case of the Missing Reed 144
The Kraken 145
Hummock Trail 146
Dinner Biscuits 147
Go-Cart Take chances 148
State Fair 149
The Walking Dead? 150
A Bargain with a Gremlin 151
Northern Nighttime 152
Riches to Rags 153
The Storytellers 154
Tick Tock 155
The Figurine 156
A Twist of Fate 157
The Souvenir of Sight 158
The Statue 159
The Cheshire Cat 160
Thoughts From a Muse 161
The Time Machine 162
Dragon Games 163
Monster Camp 164
Shadows 165
The Electric Touch 166

Strand - Reading Standards: Informational Text, Form seven

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.7.three: Clarify the interactions between individuals, events, and ideas in a text (e.g., how ideas influence individuals or events, or how individuals influence ideas or events).

Passage Page
A Wood Secret 9
Animal Intelligence ten
Long-Distance Travelers 11
Swimming with the Turtles xiii
The Rare Dolphin xiv
Blue Dragons 15
Pippi 16
Nature's Helicopters 17
The African Generuk 18
Deadly Effeminateness 19
Panda Ants 21
Animals and Humans 23
The Unknown Winston Churchill 24
Lawrence of Arabia 25
Sir Thomas More than 26
Olympic Inspiration 27
Harry S. Truman, U.S. President 28
Man of Finance 29
Stronger Than Steel 30
Just an Ordinary Guy 31
Woman of Justice 32
The Father of Public Libraries 33
Margaret Thatcher, Prime Government minister 34
Author of Take chances 35
Pelé 36
Harland David Sanders 37
Walt Disney's Greatest Storyman 38
Barbara McClintock, Nobel Prize Winner 39
Washington's Crossing of the Delaware 40
Blithe Cartoons 41
Handheld Calculators 42
The Emancipation Proclamation 43
Prohibition 44
The Great American Dessert 45
The History of Airships 46
Pirates of the South China Sea 47
The Beginnings of Fountain Drinks 48
The Louisiana Buy 49
Julius Caesar, Kidnapped 50
That Phone in Your Pocket 51
Livestock Reduction 52
Salt of the Earth 53
Claiming the South Pole for Flesh 54
Braces 55
Microbursts 56
Invasive Plant Species 57
Twins 58
"Beam Me Up" 59
The Science of Color sixty
How Are Mountains Formed? 62
Telling Time Without a Clock 63
Physics for Our Amusement 64
Antarctic Ice Canvass 65
Garbage to Good 66
How We Apply Corn 68
International Space Station 69
Football for Kids 71
The Philippines 73
3D Printing 77
Meteorites on Earth eighty
Electric Cars 81
Tree Climbing: Non But for Kids 82
Travel of the Future 84
Virtual Learning 86

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.7.1: Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly too equally inferences drawn from the text.

Passage Page
A Forest Hush-hush 9
Animal Intelligence 10
Long-Distance Travelers xi
The Jumping Spider 12
Swimming with the Turtles 13
The Rare Dolphin 14
Blue Dragons fifteen
Pippi 16
Nature's Helicopters 17
The African Generuk xviii
Deadly Delicacy nineteen
The Climbing Rodent twenty
Panda Ants 21
Cave Dwellers 22
Animals and Humans 23
The Unknown Winston Churchill 24
Lawrence of Arabia 25
Sir Thomas More 26
Olympic Inspiration 27
Harry Due south. Truman, U.S. President 28
Human of Finance 29
Stronger Than Steel 30
Only an Ordinary Guy 31
Adult female of Justice 32
The Father of Public Libraries 33
Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister 34
Writer of Adventure 35
Pelé 36
Harland David Sanders 37
Walt Disney'due south Greatest Storyman 38
Barbara McClintock, Nobel Prize Winner 39
Washington'south Crossing of the Delaware xl
Blithe Cartoons 41
Handheld Calculators 42
The Emancipation Proclamation 43
Prohibition 44
The Great American Dessert 45
The History of Airships 46
Pirates of the South China Sea 47
The Ancestry of Fountain Drinks 48
The Louisiana Purchase 49
Julius Caesar, Kidnapped 50
That Phone in Your Pocket 51
Livestock Reduction 52
Salt of the Earth 53
Claiming the South Pole for Mankind 54
Braces 55
Microbursts 56
Invasive Plant Species 57
Twins 58
"Axle Me Upward" 59
The Science of Color 60
Audiology 61
How Are Mountains Formed? 62
Telling Time Without a Clock 63
Physics for Our Amusement 64
Antarctic Ice Canvass 65
Garbage to Skillful 66
The Exciting Field of Applied science 67
How We Utilise Corn 68
International Space Station 69
Geothermal Energy 70
Football for Kids 71
Men on Mars? 72
The Philippines 73
United States Spy Agencies 74
Word of the Year 75
Global Warming 76
3D Printing 77
Is Recycling Worth It? 78
The Homework Fence 79
Meteorites on Earth lxxx
Electrical Cars 81
Tree Climbing: Non Just for Kids 82
Atmospheric condition Is a Current Event 83
Travel of the Hereafter 84
The State of Hawaii 85
Virtual Learning 86

Cardinal Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.vii.ii: Determine two or more than fundamental ideas in a text and analyze their development over the grade of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.

Passage Page
A Wood Surreptitious nine
Creature Intelligence 10
Long-Distance Travelers xi
The Jumping Spider 12
Nature's Helicopters 17
The African Generuk xviii
The Climbing Rodent xx
Cave Dwellers 22
Animals and Humans 23
Sir Thomas More than 26
Harry Due south. Truman, U.S. President 28
Human of Finance 29
Stronger Than Steel xxx
The Begetter of Public Libraries 33
Washington's Crossing of the Delaware 40
The Beginnings of Fountain Drinks 48
Microbursts 56
The Science of Color 60
Physics for Our Amusement 64
Antarctic Ice Sheet 65
Football for Kids 71
Men on Mars? 72
U.s. Spy Agencies 74
Is Recycling Worth It? 78
Virtual Learning 86

Craft and Construction

ELA.RI.7.4: Make up one's mind the meaning of words and phrases equally they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the bear upon of a specific word choice on significant and tone.

Passage Page
A Forest Secret ix
Animate being Intelligence 10
Long-Distance Travelers 11
The Jumping Spider 12
Swimming with the Turtles 13
The Rare Dolphin 14
Blue Dragons xv
Pippi 16
Nature'southward Helicopters 17
The African Generuk 18
Deadly Delicacy xix
The Climbing Rodent xx
Panda Ants 21
Cavern Dwellers 22
Animals and Humans 23
The Unknown Winston Churchill 24
Lawrence of Arabia 25
Sir Thomas More 26
Olympic Inspiration 27
Harry Due south. Truman, U.S. President 28
Man of Finance 29
Stronger Than Steel 30
Just an Ordinary Guy 31
Woman of Justice 32
The Father of Public Libraries 33
Margaret Thatcher, Prime Government minister 34
Author of Chance 35
Pelé 36
Harland David Sanders 37
Walt Disney's Greatest Storyman 38
Barbara McClintock, Nobel Prize Winner 39
Washington's Crossing of the Delaware 40
Animated Cartoons 41
Handheld Calculators 42
The Emancipation Declaration 43
Prohibition 44
The Keen American Dessert 45
The History of Airships 46
Pirates of the South China Sea 47
The Beginnings of Fountain Drinks 48
The Louisiana Buy 49
Julius Caesar, Kidnapped 50
That Phone in Your Pocket 51
Livestock Reduction 52
Salt of the Earth 53
Claiming the South Pole for Mankind 54
Braces 55
Microbursts 56
Invasive Constitute Species 57
Twins 58
"Axle Me Upwards" 59
The Science of Color lx
Audiology 61
How Are Mountains Formed? 62
Telling Time Without a Clock 63
Physics for Our Amusement 64
Antarctic Water ice Sheet 65
Garbage to Good 66
The Heady Field of Engineering 67
How We Use Corn 68
International Infinite Station 69
Geothermal Energy 70
Football for Kids 71
Men on Mars? 72
The Philippines 73
United states of america Spy Agencies 74
Word of the Year 75
Global Warming 76
3D Printing 77
Is Recycling Worth It? 78
The Homework Contend 79
Meteorites on Globe 80
Electric Cars 81
Tree Climbing: Non But for Kids 82
Weather Is a Current Event 83
Travel of the Future 84
The State of Hawaii 85
Virtual Learning 86

Craft and Structure

ELA.RI.7.v: Clarify the construction an writer uses to organize a text, including how the major sections contribute to the whole and to the evolution of the ideas.

Passage Folio
The Jumping Spider 12
Swimming with the Turtles 13
Bluish Dragons xv
Nature'south Helicopters 17
Deadly Delicacy 19
Panda Ants 21
Animals and Humans 23
Pelé 36
Barbara McClintock, Nobel Prize Winner 39
Livestock Reduction 52
Claiming the South Pole for Mankind 54
Microbursts 56
The Science of Color 60
Audiology 61
The Heady Field of Engineering 67
International Space Station 69
Men on Mars? 72
3D Printing 77
Meteorites on World fourscore
Tree Climbing: Not Just for Kids 82
Weather condition Is a Electric current Event 83
Travel of the Hereafter 84

Integration of Cognition and Ideas

ELA.RI.seven.8: Trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is audio and the evidence is relevant and sufficient to support the claims.

Passage Page
Animal Intelligence 10
The Jumping Spider 12
The Rare Dolphin xiv
Nature'southward Helicopters 17
Panda Ants 21
Cave Dwellers 22
Animals and Humans 23
The Unknown Winston Churchill 24
Lawrence of Arabia 25
Sir Thomas More 26
Olympic Inspiration 27
Harry S. Truman, U.Southward. President 28
Man of Finance 29
Merely an Ordinary Guy 31
Woman of Justice 32
Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister 34
Walt Disney's Greatest Storyman 38
Animated Cartoons 41
Handheld Calculators 42
The Emancipation Declaration 43
Prohibition 44
The Great American Dessert 45
The History of Airships 46
Pirates of the S Red china Ocean 47
The Ancestry of Fountain Drinks 48
Julius Caesar, Kidnapped l
Livestock Reduction 52
Challenge the South Pole for Mankind 54
Braces 55
Invasive Plant Species 57
Twins 58
"Axle Me Up" 59
The Science of Color 60
Audiology 61
Telling Time Without a Clock 63
Garbage to Good 66
The Exciting Field of Engineering science 67
How We Utilise Corn 68
International Space Station 69
Geothermal Energy seventy
Football for Kids 71
Men on Mars? 72
United states Spy Agencies 74
Global Warming 76
Is Recycling Worth It? 78
The Homework Debate 79
Meteorites on Earth eighty
Electrical Cars 81
Conditions Is a Current Upshot 83
Travel of the Future 84
The Country of Hawaii 85
Virtual Learning 86

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

ELA.RI.7.ten: By the end of the yr, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades six-viii text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding equally needed at the high end of the range.

Passage Page
A Forest Secret 9
Animal Intelligence x
Long-Distance Travelers 11
The Jumping Spider 12
Swimming with the Turtles xiii
The Rare Dolphin 14
Blue Dragons 15
Pippi 16
Nature's Helicopters 17
The African Generuk 18
Deadly Delicacy 19
The Climbing Rodent 20
Panda Ants 21
Cave Dwellers 22
Animals and Humans 23
The Unknown Winston Churchill 24
Lawrence of Arabia 25
Sir Thomas More 26
Olympic Inspiration 27
Harry Southward. Truman, U.S. President 28
Man of Finance 29
Stronger Than Steel 30
Just an Ordinary Guy 31
Woman of Justice 32
The Father of Public Libraries 33
Margaret Thatcher, Prime Government minister 34
Author of Hazard 35
Pelé 36
Harland David Sanders 37
Walt Disney'south Greatest Storyman 38
Barbara McClintock, Nobel Prize Winner 39
Washington'southward Crossing of the Delaware twoscore
Animated Cartoons 41
Handheld Calculators 42
The Emancipation Annunciation 43
Prohibition 44
The Not bad American Dessert 45
The History of Airships 46
Pirates of the South China Sea 47
The Beginnings of Fountain Drinks 48
The Louisiana Purchase 49
Julius Caesar, Kidnapped 50
That Phone in Your Pocket 51
Livestock Reduction 52
Salt of the Earth 53
Challenge the South Pole for Mankind 54
Braces 55
Microbursts 56
Invasive Plant Species 57
Twins 58
"Beam Me Upwardly" 59
The Scientific discipline of Color lx
Audiology 61
How Are Mountains Formed? 62
Telling Fourth dimension Without a Clock 63
Physics for Our Amusement 64
Antarctic Water ice Sheet 65
Garbage to Adept 66
The Heady Field of Engineering science 67
How We Use Corn 68
International Infinite Station 69
Geothermal Energy 70
Football for Kids 71
Men on Mars? 72
The Philippines 73
The states Spy Agencies 74
Word of the Year 75
Global Warming 76
3D Press 77
Is Recycling Worth Information technology? 78
The Homework Debate 79
Meteorites on Earth fourscore
Electric Cars 81
Tree Climbing: Not Merely for Kids 82
Weather Is a Current Effect 83
Travel of the Future 84
The State of Hawaii 85
Virtual Learning 86

Mutual Core State Standards and Expectations© Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.


Source: https://www.teachercreated.com/products/standards-report.php?pid=3658

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