This Is an Observable Trait of an Organism That Can Mask the Recessive Trait.

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Genetics Vocabulary


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heredity passing on of characteristics from parent to offspring
heterozygous having two dissimilar alleles for a trait
genetics branch of biology that studies heredity
gene department of chromosome that codes for a trait
dominant trait observed trait of an organism that masks the recessive form of a trait
homozygous having identical alleles for a trait
multiple alleles having more than ii alleles to determine a trait
allele alternative forms of a gene for each variation of a trait
recessive trait trait of an organism that tin exist masked by the dominant form of a trait
genotype combination of genes in an organism
trait characteristic that is inherited; can be dominant or recessive
phenotype outward appearance of an organism
homologous paired chromosomes with same arrangement of genes
mutation change in Deoxyribonucleic acid sequence caused by environmental cistron or substance
hybrid organism with 2 dissimilar alleles of a trait
diploid prison cell with 2 sets of chromosomes
gametes sexual practice cells, ex. egg or sperm, haploid
mutagen substance or ecology factor which causes a modify in Deoxyribonucleic acid

Mrs. Crawford

Scientific discipline Teacher

A Fifty Chocolate-brown High Schoolhouse

Kannapolis, NC
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